Favorite House Plants

This post is written in loving memory to my fiddle leaf figs that are now in that big greenhouse in the sky.

After several attempts to keep house plants alive I've narrowed down the list of my favorite ones that are easy to care for!


1 | Snake Plant / Mother-In-Law's Tongue
These guys are my favorite! These things will survive for those who aren't even close to having a green thumb. They need little light & little water. Plus they just look cool! What more could you ask for?

2 | Airplants
Airplants are a gift to non-green thumbs from heaven! No need to repot or fertilize just sprits with water now & again! The best part is you can find the cutest containers to put them in! 

3 | Aloe
The key to aloe is not over watering it. Aloe will quickly let you know if it's not happy so keep it simple with this one. Put it in a nice sunny place & keep watering consistent. Of course it's not just for good looks, use the aloe for minor burns!

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HomeJenna Moore